All clients of Gloss Salon must place a valid credit card on file when booking an appointment.
Only the client receiving a service is permitted in the salon. No children are permitted in the salon unless they are there for a scheduled appointment. (Parents may have other children with them while another child is having a service performed as long as they are with them and children are never left unattended)
Cancellations and appointment changes must be done 24+ hours prior to the appointment.
Clients who cancel with less than 24 hours notice of the service will be charged 50% of the appointment price.
Clients who no show an appointment will be charged the full service price. Clients who fail to do so for any reason will be required to pay the full appointment price prior to booking any future appointments. Gloss Salon reserves the right to charge clients for services in advance who have an extensive history of cancellations or no shows.
Direct messages on Instagram and emails are monitored outside business hours if you need to cancel an appointment. Your appointment is not considered canceled until you have received confirmation from us that it was successfully removed from our system. If you are getting messages from us asking you confirm your appointment that means we did not receive your initial message. Confirmation texts are sent 48 hours in advance of your appointment for allow for any unsuccessful communication resolutions without fees.
Please be courteous to the staff and other clients at Gloss Salon and make sure you arrive on time for each appointment. If you are more than 15 minutes late, we may have to reschedule your appointment for another time. If you see you are running late, the best thing to do is let us know so we can minimize any disruption to our staff and other customers.
As courtesy to our guests we do not allow children in the salon unless they are receiving a service. At Gloss our goal is to create an escape from the day to day and relax. Children may not accompany adults unless they are receiving a service. Salons are a dangerous environment for unattended children, and safety is always our top concern.